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GoGoPDF Guide: Knowing The In And Outs Of The Security Features Of A PDF File

Having a secure line of work is essential, especially when you are working with confidential information. One of the most used types of format is Portable Document Format, commonly called PDF when working with crucial documents. One of the reasons for that is because of the security features you can enjoy.

Hence, the importance of making an effort to learn more about how your PDF files work. A great way to utilize the ins and outs of the security features you can do with your PDF file is by using an online tool like GoGoPDF. This article will guide you on how to fully utilize the security features of a PDF file while using an online tool of GoGoPDF.

How Does GoGoPDF Work?

A glimpse of history about GoGoPDF is that it has been in service of providing the best online tool that helps the public in configuring their online documents. It ranks among the best online tools you will be able to get your hands into. It also has several online tools you can choose from for configuring your PDF files.

These online tools that we are talking about are mainly for PDF files. A reason for that is because PDF files are one of the most used types of formats when using online documents. Some examples of their tools are Compress PDF, PDF Converter, Repair PDF, Merge PDF, Split PDF, Unlock PDF, Add Watermark, eSign PDF, Protect PDF, and many more types of tools.

If you want to start your journey of a simple and straightforward experience in configuring your PDF files, all you need to do is visit their website, and all of those tools will be encountered on their home page. These tools that we have mentioned will be organized appropriately to quickly distinguish the online tool you need for your PDF file.

The overall experience when you use GoGoPDF is assured and will satisfy your needs as it offers simple and yet straightforward services that you can easily use daily. If you are having trouble making your PDF file secure, here are some of the best online tools that GoGoPDF offers in terms of maximizing the security features of your PDF file.

Unlock PDF

Unlock PDF is one of the most used online tools on their website. If you are experiencing some inconvenience while going through a file to file and typing a password each time you visit a PDF file, this is the solution to your problem. Unlock PDF will allow you to remove the encrypted password that is in your PDF file in the first place.

Removing the password of your PDF files may come with a convenient factor. However, when using this tool, you should always be cautious in sharing your PDF files online, especially if it has confidential information. Keep in mind that you can only remove the encrypted password from your PDF file if you are given access, or better yet, you own the PDF file.

Remember, you can only remove the password of the PDF file if you know the password yourself. Here is a step-by-step on how to remove your password from your PDF file.

Protect PDF

Protecting your PDF file is one of the most important things you should do for your online documents. When your PDF file is protected, you are limiting the viewers of your PDF file to the specific people that you gave access to your PDF file. This is usually used for research, confidential contents, books, contracts, exams, and many more.

Once your PDF file is protected, it will now be secured with 128-AES encryption. Keep in mind that you need to follow the specific requirements for your new password. This will include specific Capitalization, Characters, Numbers, and more. Here is a detailed explanation of how you can protect your PDF file using the GoGoPDF online tool.


The ins and outs of a PDF file’s features may come in tricky if you don’t have the proper tools to help you. We are blessed to benefit from the free online tools that GoGoPDF offers to the public.

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